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Claus-Peter Röh


Claus-Peter Röh, after finishing his studies in Pedagogy, worked since 1983 as class, music and religion teacher at the Waldorf School in Flensburg, Germany. In addition to teaching, he worked at the Pedagogical University in Flensburg and gave courses at various teacher training seminars in Germany. Since 1998, he has been a member of the initiative group of the Pedagogical Section in Germany. In September 2010, he joined the Pedagogical Section at the Goetheanum in Dornach, Switzerland. Since January 2011, in cooperation with Florian Osswald, he has been leading that section. Since Easter 2020, along with Constanza Kaliks and Peter Selg, he has been a leader of the General Anthroposophical Section.

Author's photo

Author's Books

The School of Spiritual Science Edition 2 Revised and updated

An Introduction
